Sunday, January 27, 2013

Don't Know What You Want To Major In? No Problem!

That is right!  It is ok to not have an exact plan of action!  Having an idea does help, but if you are completely clueless (like I was) do not worry.  You are one of MANY students who are in the same boat.

Deciding on a major was terrifying.  It felt that the decision I was making at 18 would decide and seal my fate.  I had many questions and doubts -mostly doubts- in picking my major.  What if it is the wrong one?  What if I'm not good at it?  What if I can't find work?  These are all great questions to have, and hopefully you can find the answers here.

A big factor in why I did not go to college right after high school was my lack of direction.  I was too intimidated by my future to decide then, at 18, what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.  I had casual interests, I was an avid reader and loved sports, but I did not see how I can turn that into a career.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Higher Education Begins Here

The purpose of this blog is to inform students in a more casual tone about their opportunities for college.  The goal is to have teachers and parents relay the information from my blog to their students, and to have their students check out the blog for themselves.

When I was in high school, I was not provided with the tools to attend college.