Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Higher Education Begins Here

The purpose of this blog is to inform students in a more casual tone about their opportunities for college.  The goal is to have teachers and parents relay the information from my blog to their students, and to have their students check out the blog for themselves.

When I was in high school, I was not provided with the tools to attend college. 
I was intimidated by college, and did not think I was capable of going to any school.  The guidance counselor was available, but the initiative to speak to them was my own, and I did not have the confidence or belief I had what it took to get into college.  I never had a presence tell me that I could make it, but despite that, I found my way to the University of the Pacific on my own.

This blog will be the proactive voice for students in expressing their options to them.  Whether it be a state school, 4-year University, taking the junior college route, or even trade schools, this blog will encourage students to pursue their passions in higher education.  Every student can go to college whether or not they realize it.  Let's Go To College hopes to shed light on the possibilities, no matter how slight a student believes their chances are in receiving schooling.

1 comment:

  1. This is so cool! I totally wish I had had a blog like this to guide me back when I was in high school. Rock on!
