Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Private College or Public College?

Hello Students!

Much like high schools, colleges come in all different shapes and sizes.  They can vary in sizes, degree offerings, culture, location, and cost.  All of these factors need to be considered when deciding where to apply.

The most important thing to find out is whether or not the school is Private or Public.  This can affect all of the aforementioned aspects of college.  What is the difference, you ask?  Well, read on!

Monday, April 1, 2013

What Classes You Should Take in High School

Hey Students!

So last week I was talking with my cousin, who is thirteen, about high school.  She will be starting high school this fall, and we were discussing which class she should take, Auto-Tech or Spanish.

My Cousin wanted to take Auto-Tech, because her friends were also taking it.  I thought that was not a good reason and tried pushing her to take Spanish.  We talked at length about which was better and why, and I finally convinced her to take the Spanish class.

Why, you may ask, is this important to you?  I think this is a common question among all high school students when it comes to preparing for college:  which classes put you in the best position to be accepted into, and ready for, college?